Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hip Hop Japan Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hip Hop Japan Reflection - Essay Example However the female performers had to struggle to make their position since the males had a dominated place in the hip hop music industry. The different rap music pieces created involved issues like the education, sex, victimization of teenagers and terrorism. Condry had done significant research before he could actually write the book (Condry, 50-205). The present study focuses on different topics of linguistic and cultural anthropology that Condry’s research had presented to the public thereby creating a reflection on his studies. 1. Topics of Discussion: A. Race: The term race clearly classifies the human beings into different groups based on their characteristics, demographics, culture and other associated factors. Race is significant in relation to the research conducted by Condry since he reflected the work of the Japanese musicians in association with the racial meanings. According to the writer, the hip hops of Japan have argued on the significance of any differences am ong humans based on races. As there have been â€Å"debates surrounding the appropriation of so-called black style†, the hip hops presenting clear arguments through their work prove to have significance for the society (Condry, 20). The Japanese hip hops were inspired and indulged in â€Å"new cultural politics of affiliation† and the hip hops maintained their â€Å"core values† when they named themselves as the â€Å"yellow b-boys† (Condry, 20). B. Sociolinguistics: Sociolinguistics takes into consideration any effect that the different aspects of the society might have and the different languages having their impacts on a society. This topic has special significance in the Hip Hop Japan story since Condry reflected the use of the Japanese language in the creation of the hip hop music. The language was not expected to prove to be successful in creation of such rap music. Language and identity has been strongly connected by the works of the Japanese hip h op musicians. Condry through his writing focused on the debated raised and argued by the Japanese in regard to the â€Å"English-language and Japanese rock in the late 1960s† (Condry, 21-22). Thus Condry’s research presents a significant association of the story of hip hops in Japan with the topic of sociolinguistics. C. Soft Power: The term soft power would refer to achieving or obtaining something without the use of any hard power or force or exertion. This term has an association with the study of the hip hop Japan conducted by Condry. The success of the hip hops in Japan followed a story of struggle that reflects the soft power of the rap musicians in gaining the audiences â€Å"over time† (Condry, 20). The hip hops of Japan had to make the audiences understand and realize the meaning of ‘hip hop’ before they could actually accept them. Once they overcame that phase, the next stage was to respond to the question â€Å"What makes hip-hop Japanes e?† (Condry, 20-21). Thus there were issues of debate in this context as presented through the writing of Ian Condry. D. Globalization: Globalization strictly declares the relationship between different people, different businesses, and different industry fields spreading across the globe and not staying restricted to a local region. The hip hop Japan written by Condry significantly presents the concept of globalization being a part of the rap musici

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Chervolet industry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Chervolet industry - Research Paper Example Automobile industry is the practical application of human dream of convenient travelling (Fortunato, 2009). Therefore, automakers try to transform the car into a travelling solution within certain price limitations. On the other hand, inflation and rising taxation are causing significant hindrance in the process of innovation in international automobile industry. Moreover, Ford inspired its rivals to extend their production level in order to compete successfully (Boschma & Wenting, 2007). Thus, in this way, Ford acted as a pioneer of automobile innovation. With the passage of time US automobile industry became saturated, which helped companies like Toyota, Chevrolet and others initiate their operations in the country. It is important to note the real nature of the industry was quite luxurious because in old times vehicles were considered as something unique and specifically designed for the elite class. As the overall cost of the automobile companies dropped significantly in the past few decades, therefore, cars transformed into utility products in developed nations. On the other hand, the image of the car as luxurious item stood the test of time in developing countries. History of Chevrolet Chevrolet initiated its business a century ago and its cofounders were William Durant Louis Chevrolet (Catalan, 2010). Both of the entrepreneurs were previously working in the business of horse driven vehicles therefore, consented to experiment with cars powered by engines in 1912. Thus, Chevrolet modernized the entire industry through introducing petrol engines, which replaced the old-fashioned steam engines and horses as well. Along with this, Chevrolet continued its innovation by introducing new model from the decade of 1920 to that of 2000. Therefore, Chevrolet’s commitment to excellence is persistent for a century and the company is still in the process of innovation. Status of the Automobile Industry Automobile industry is the most expensive one in the category of consumer products. Therefore, the process of innovation in this particular industry is the highest as well. Due to this reason, automobile firms previously engage in hiring the best minds in all fields entailing from engineering to management sciences. Automobile industry is not hiring substantial number of employees in recent years (Fortunato, 2009) because it relies on high-end technological production units, which minimized the employee requirement in the industry. Strategic recruitment became a norm in international automobile industry. Along with these factors, semi-permanent recession forced various automobile companies to downsize in recent years. On the other hand, organizations are pressing on the need to control the waste, which will definitely increase the quality of the products produced. Furthermore, automobile companies are heavily taxed in order to keep refrain them from taking undue price advantage in developing companies. Therefore, pertaining to this fact autom obile industry plagued with the tendency to downsize during the period of last decade. However, Chevrolet enabled itself to demonstrate a significant rate of growth in past years given the nature of operational circumstances of the industry. The prime reason of this development attributed from design and model enhancement continuation at Chevrolet (Catalan, 2010), which in turned kept its product appeal meaningful and